South Tarawa Water Supply Project (STWSP) and South Tarawa Sanitation Project (STSP)
The STWSP project has suffered several delays and setbacks and represents a great opportunity for South Tarawa, but its long-term economic viability remains to be tested. The original GDW-2 tender package for the network and O&M of the desalination plants and network failed and has been redesigned. PUB needs to benefit from all the technical capacity building that was intended and observe the socio-economic activities attached to the project, as intended under a 5-year O&M period.
The desalination plants are largely complete, but Betio is hindered by the H2S issue that needs to be remedied. Remedial actions are being considered but will take time and funds. The McKenzie plant is now under test-commissioning and could be ready for operation before the end of the year.
The PMU aims to issue a revised GDW-2 package in the coming weeks, but, after feedback and consultations, this is restricted to the network upgrades. Further consideration of the capacity building and O&M requirements has now commenced with the first series of proposed workshops.
The STWSP project included a pilot sanitation proposal that is currently underway and being used to inform the STSP. The STSP has its own PMU, and a separate Memorandum of Cooperation between MISE and PUB relating to the STSP was signed recently.
STSP is likely to incorporate some (sewerage) network expansion as well as construction of septic tanks and upgrades to the Faecal sludge disposal units. PUB will be involved in agreeing on details as the pilot project feeds into the final project plans.