686 75125201


Your home – Public Utilities Board

Your home


The principle responsibilities of PUB are to deliver the following services
to the population on South Tarawa


For Domestic

Monthly Household
Electricity Usage
0 – 100 KW $0.10 per kw
>100 – 300 KW $0.40 per kw
>300 KW $0.55 per kw

For Commercial and Industrial

Monthly Tariff
Commercial $0.55 per kw
Industrial $0.70 per kw


  • Unmetered Water Supply
  • Rationed and is distributed on a 2 day basis.
  • Metered Water Supply
Monthly Household Water Usage Tariff
0 – 2.5 KL $2/KL
>2.5 KL to 10 KL $5.00/KL over 2.5kL
>Over 10 KL $15.00/KL over 10kL

Monthly rental charge: $1.00

Sewerage Collection and Disposal

Monthly Household
Water Usage
Residential $5 per month max of 2 pans Extra pans charged at $1.00/pan/month
Commercial $10. Per month max of 3 pans Extra pans charged at $2.50 /pan/month
Industrial $15.00 per month max of 3 pans Extra pans charged at $5/pan / month

Emergencies only Call us 24/7 ON 2222 For Queries 686 75126929